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May 2: The Blessed Ones: The Meek and Humble May 2: The Blessed Ones: The Meek and Humble

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May 2: The Blessed Ones: The Meek and Humble

Posted on Thu, Apr 29, 2004

The Women�s Mission meets the�third Wednesday of the month at .This section contains the weekly lessons.Each week, a new lesson will be added for your study, review, and discussion.If you have questions or need clarification on any points, send an email to Pastor Williams at [email protected] and someone will respond.

May 2: The Blessed Ones: The Meek and Humble

����������� Matthew 5:5; Romans 12:6

����������� Jesus endorses meekness and humility as commendable virtues and promises that those who walk in the spirit of meekness and humility shall inherit the earth.Meekness means to be accepting of the fact that we are less than perfect.

By nature we may be hostile, angry, and short tempered.But when we prayerfully take on the Spirit of Jesus, we exhibit meekness and humility, speaking quietly, except when sharing the Word of God.

Walking in the spirit of humility is denying oneself in order to uplift the Lord at all times.This is done by acknowledging that the Father is the giver of all good things in our lives and professing that without the Father we would be lost to the sins of the world.We cannot bestow blessings upon ourselves, only God can, and His grace and gifts are the rewards of our obedience.

We should never consider ourselves so spiritually mature that we cannot fall to sin.The rise and fall of many spiritual leaders should serve as warnings to all Christians to examine their walk with God at all times.We know that only He can help us become perfect in His sigh, and each of us will be held responsible for our own actions and attitudes.

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