January 16 Sermon: Giving Thanks Unto The Lord
Scripture: Psalms 100:4
Sermon delivered by Rev. Evan Jones, Pastor of Shady Missionary Baptist Church
in Houston, Texas
I found out in dealing with people that some of us don�t thank the Lord enough. I can�t understand how we can come into God�s house and act like He hasn�t done anything for us. Somebody didn�t even thank Him for waking them up this morning. Some of us sat down and ate and didn�t thank Him for the food.
In Jerusalem they had to enter into some gates before they could get into the main part. Sometimes we complain about this and that. If we would just look at some of the things going on in other countries, we would see how much we should be thankful for. If we have Jesus, we should have enough. We should be thankful to Him and bless His name. If everybody in here this morning would thank Him, there would be a racket in here instead of acting like we have been sucking lemons all night.
I have sense enough to know that it was God�s love and mercy that brought me this far. Sometimes when I come before God�s presence, I like to sing Amazing Grace; I Love The Lord Because He heard My cry and Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah. We ought to know that the Lord is God and is God all by himself.
God is with us and for us. We are the sheep of his pasture. He keeps us from all hurt, harm and danger. The Lord is omnipresent because he�s every where at the same time. He�s omnipotent because he has all power and can do all things. He�s omnipotence because he knows all.
I�m glad God is God because there are people that are one thing in the church today and something else tomorrow. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.