Bible Study July 13, 2005

Posted on Tue, Jul 12, 2005:

Bible Study Wednesday, July 13, 2005 was taught by Assistant Pastor Mark Porter. 
The Character of the Christian
 �Building for Quality�
�       Define Integrity: Completeness; who you are; what you do when nobody else is looking.  The foundation of how we live our lives.
Dishonesty Exposed
�       Compare II Corinthians 8:21 and Acts 24:16.  What guidelines helped Paul in
            his daily living?
�       We must be careful to avoid hypocrisy
a.       What is hypocrisy?  (To put on a mask; pretend you are something you are not)
b.      How did Jesus describe hypocrites?
c.       What is one reason this style of living is dishonest?  Romans 2: 23-24
�       Read Psalm 15: 1-5 and list at least five qualities of an honest person.
The Practice of Honesty
�       Honesty should be displayed in all aspects of our lives.  List below some of the areas we might neglect.  Romans 13: 6-7; Colossians 3: 23-25; I Peter 2: 13-14
�       How Do I Get Integrity / Honesty?
a.       Pursue it
b.      Protect it
c.       Practice it
d.      Pray for it
Honesty in Speech
�       What does your speech indicate?  Matthew 12: 34-35
�       How does the psalmist describe the tongue?  Psalm 52: 2-4
�       Why is lying and abusive speech inconsistent with the Christian life? 
            Colossians 3: 8-10
�       Read Ephesians 4:29; Colossians 4:6

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