Bible Study - February 25, 2004

Posted on Wed, Feb 25, 2004:

New Hope Baptist Church Bible Study is held every Wednesday night at�.The location is Highway 19 at

County Road
2106 in the Wynne Community of Canton, TX.(See front page for directions.)

Rev. Williams, Pastor, and Rev. Porter, Asst. Pastor, will alternate teaching the lessons.

Pastor Williams advised on February 25th that when he is teaching the lesson, his topics will be taken from �The Purpose Driven Life� by Rick Warren.He suggested each member purchase the book and study as we go along.

The lesson�s topic was �Are You a Tree Stump or a Tree Planted by the Rivers of Water?�To grow as a Christian, we have to learn what God wants us to do with our lives.We need to understand our life starts with God.We can�t be happy until we achieve the Will of God.To achieve God�s purpose, we need to pray and ask Him what His Will is in our lives.We should not speculate, we should allow God to reveal Himself unto us.

Some of the scriptures referenced for our reading and discussion were:

Colossians 1:16-17

Romans 8:6-8

Matthew 7:7-8

Ephesians 1:11

If you have questions or need help understanding any of the topics or scriptures, please contact Pastor Williams at [email protected].

Topic for next week�s Bible Study is You Are Not an Accident

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