Mission - March 14: Four Major Characteristics of Love

Posted on Mon, Mar 15, 2004:

The Women�s Mission meets the�third Wednesday of the month at 7:30 PM.This section contains the weekly lessons.Each week, a new�

lesson will be added for your study, review, and discussion.If you have questions or need clarification on any points, send an email to Pastor Williams at [email protected] and someone will respond.

March 14:Four Major Characteristics of Love

����������������������� 1Corinthians 13:4-7

����������� Whether you believe it or not, there are at least four major characteristics of love.They are: exercising the virtue of patience, humility, truth, and eliminating jealousy and envy.Through exercising patience, we show that we recognize that all humankind grows spiritually at a different pace.God exemplifies patience for His children every day as we struggle with the temptation to sin.Because He loves us, He is not quick to pass judgment when we fall.

����������� How often do we seek praise and recognition?In Proverbs God says �before honor is humility�.Humility brings about riches and honor and life, but pride only brings about a fall (22:4).As Christians, God does not want us to think greater of ourselves, but of others.

����������� Truth tends to be one of the most difficult characteristics for a Christian to live by.Whether we lie with good intentions or bad, God is not pleased.There is no such thing as a little white lie, just like there is no such thing as a small miracle.All of God�s miracles are great.Even envy and jealousy can be coupled with lies.

����������� Let�s not forget about envy.All envy is rooted in evil.God has promised each of His children His blessings.When we covet what others have, we weaken our appreciation for what God has already blessed us with.Until we learn to be grateful for that which God has bestowed upon us, how can we expect to receive more?

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