Bible Study March 24: Made To Last Forever

Posted on Tue, Mar 23, 2004:

Bible Study March 24:Made To Last Forever

Pastor Williams taught the lesson.

Point to Ponder:� There is more to life than just here and now.

Question to Consider: Since I was made to last forever, what is the�one thing�I should stop doing and the one�thing I should start doing today?

I.�������������������� Life Is...

A)����� Rehearsal

B)����� Preparation

C)����� Practice

D)���� Warm-Up

E)������ Pre-School

II.������������������ Tent VS. House (2 Corinthians 5:1)

A)����� Tent is temporary (earthly house)

B)����� House is permanent (made by God)

III.����������������� Eternity changes your view (Philippians 3:7)

**List here the things you would do in preparation to meet your Maker

IV.�����������Two Choices

A) Heaven (John 14:1-6)

We are not preparing ourselves to go there.Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.

B)����� Hell (Luke -31)

Hell is a prepared place for Unprepared people

V.����������������� What is heaven going to be like? (1 Corinthians 2:9)

VI.��������������� God purpose extends beyond your life here on earth (Psalms 33:11)

If you have questions or need clarification on any points, send an email to Pastor Williams at [email protected] and someone will respond.

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