April 28 Bible Study: What Makes God Smile?

Posted on Wed, Apr 28, 2004:

April 28 Bible Study: What Makes God Smile?

Taught by Asst. Pastor Rev. Porter

Points to Ponder

I.�������������������� God smiles when we love Him supremely.

a.������ Noah loved God more than anything on earth.

b.����� More than our sacrifices and offerings God wants to know us.

c.������ Learning to love and be loved by God should be the greatest objective of our life.

II.������������������ God smiles when we trust Him completely.

a.������ Noah trusted God even when it didn�t make sense.

b.����� Trusting God completely means having faith that He knows what is best for our life.

c.������ Noah trusted God for 120 years.How long are you willing to trust Him?

III.����������������� God smiles when we obey Him wholeheartedly.

a.������ Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.

b.����� God doesn�t owe you a reason or an explanation for everything He asks you to do.

c.������ Any act of obedience is also an act of worship.

IV.��������������� God smiles when we praise and thank Him continually.

a.������ Noah�s life brought pleasure to God because he lived with a heart of praise and thanksgiving.

b.����� When we give God enjoyment, our own hearts are filled with joy.

c.������ When we express our enjoyment to God, it brings Him joy.

V.����������������� God smiles when we use our abilities.

a.������ Gods enjoys watching every detail of your life.

b.����� You don�t bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding your abilities or trying to be someone else.

c.������ God also gains pleasure by watching you enjoy His creation.

d.����� God looks at the attitude of your heart.Is pleasing Him your deepest desire?

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