My spirit was blessed this evening in bible study. Pastor made some very valid points. We must all put God at the TOP of our lives. I want to pray for our country and it's leaders as well as the surrounding countries that are affected by the current chaos of the world. We as a people need to know that God is not pleased and has found another way to get our attention. Take heed and allow this time of shelter in place to reflect and realign ourselves with Christ. These are perfect moments to be the CHRIST for someone to see. Since we were created in his image, our actions should exude Him for the world see. I didn't want to seek a selfish prayer request on this occasion. Instead, I pray that all God's people seek Him diligently. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Yvette Johnson
We need the Lord now, more than ever before! I pray for leadership starting with the homes. I pray that ALL heads of households have a relationship with God and He is truly the head of their lives. I'm also praying for city leaders, county (parish)leaders, state leaders, national leaders as well as international leaders during the pandemic of COVID 19. I pray that the pandemonium of fear ceases and for all to remember who sits on the throne. We were not designed with a spirit of fear, that is a learned behavior. Just as it was learned, it can be unlearned. My God says to be anxious for nothing and He also says, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding... God will fix this in His time.
Yvette Johnson