Posted on Sun, May 9, 2004
May 9 Sermon: The Influence of a Godly Mother
Scripture: 2 Timothy 1: 5-6
Sermon delivered by Pastor Williams
����������� The influence of a Godly Mother can change the direction of a child that is going astray.� The influence of a Godly Mother can shape, mold and change a child�s direction.� Thank God this morning for a Godly Mother.
����������� Influences are all around our children trying to change their paths, their way of thinking.� Use Godly influence on all the evils around us � the reality television shows, the rappers � it behooves every Mother to lay hands on and pray for your child.� Take what you hear on Sunday and apply it to them on Monday.�
����������� Paul is excited about how Timothy has turned out.� Paul had a lot to do with what Timothy had become.� Timothy�s mother Lois and his grandmother Eunice had a lot to do based on their teachings.� What you put in the children is what comes out means you are required to teach your children good character, to have integrity, teach them to carry themselves like Christians.� How can you teach them what you don�t know?� You can�t teach them if you are not living right in front of them.�
Influence and control � there�s a difference.� Use the rod of influence to bring them under submission and control.� That�s what we are trying to teach the young men � to have character.� There�s no harm in working and having a job.� Lois and Eunice brought Timothy to Christ.� They taught him Christ.� Our churches should be packed; we should love being here and tell every child that Jesus is the way.
����������� Mothers, you have a lot of power over your child.� Use your influence to bring them to Christ, show them that Jesus will save their souls and make them whole.� He�ll bring them love, joy and peace.� It�s up to him or her to do the right thing.� There comes a time when you need to give them over to the Lord.� Watch God turn them around and touch their hearts.� Train them up in the way they should go and they will not depart.� If they do, if you influence them, they�ll come back.
����������� Thank God for Godly Mothers!
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