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January 23 Sermon:  God Does All Things Well January 23 Sermon: God Does All Things Well

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January 23 Sermon: God Does All Things Well

Posted on Sun, Jan 23, 2005

January 23 Sermon:  God Does All Things Well
Scripture:  Mark 7: 31-37
Sermon delivered by Assistant Pastor Mark Porter
 There is no one that can do all things well like Jesus.  The plumber can fix the pipes, they do a good job, but sometimes you have to call him back.  The mechanic can fix that car well, but sometimes the car starts sputtering.  The doctor can fix you, but sometimes he can�t find out what is wrong.  People can do things good, but God does them well.  When He does things you don�t have to call Him back.  God can fix it for you.  If He did it for Daddy yesterday, He can do it for you today.  When you have problems in your life, God can fix it and fix it well.
 The people of Tyre knew when Jesus was passing through they could call on Him.  They recalled when He had made the demons leave out of the man.  Notice what they did.  They brought this man that was deaf, blind and had a speech impediment.  Notice how Jesus handled the man.  He took the man aside from the multitude.  Sometimes God has to take you away to a private place.  God has to separate us, get us off that telephone talking about who shot John and who is going with Susie.  Sometimes we need to hang up that phone and talk to God.  Turn off that TV � God wants to spend some private time with us.  Jesus did not have to do His good in front of the multitude to do it well.
 Notice the process Jesus used to heal this man � He took him aside, He spit on the ground, He touched his ear, He touched his tongue, He looked towards heaven and said �Ephphatha�.  Doesn�t this sound strange?  When God does His thing, it may seem strange to you but all you have to do is believe.  We will do what man tells us to do without hesitation.  The doctor tells you to take off your clothes, the dentist tells you to open your mouth and you just say how wide.  But God tells us something and we say �I don�t know� or �I don�t want nobody looking at me�.  
 Jesus told them not to tell anyone but they told everybody.  Sometimes when Jesus does things for you, you have got to tell it.  If God has done something for you, you need to stand up and shout his name.  Shout at the top of your lungs �Hallelujah�, �Thank you Lord�.  Give him some passionate, heartfelt praise.  
 Don�t miss an opportunity to praise Him or lift up His name.  Has God done something good for you?
   Discussion: January 23 Sermon: God Does All Things Well

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