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February 6 Sermon: Give God A Praise
Posted on Sun, Feb 6, 2005
February 6 Sermon: Give God A Praise
Scripture: Psalms 150
Sermon delivered by Pastor Williams
Praise Him this morning for the excellence of His might. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise Him this morning that He continues to bless you more than you deserve. Praise Him because He spared you to see this day. You need to stop worrying so much. It amazes me that man is the only thing on earth that has to be begged to praise Him. The birds chirp � they are praising Him. The sun rises in the east � it is praising Him. You can hear the waves � they are praising Him. All of these things are giving Him praise.
Some of you still will not open up your mouth. But I know when you are at home, let somebody bump up against that car that you pay $400 a month for, you will say something. Let someone step on that bad toe, you will say something. Or let the bingo man say B5, you will say something. It�s alright to wave your hand, but you need to shout hallelujah. Praising ain�t nothing but you bragging on your Daddy. We are quick to brag on that child for making good grades, brag about that new car or brag about that job. I�m going to stop right now � just inhale, now exhale, inhale again, and now exhale again. If God hasn�t done anything else for you this morning, just to be able to breathe is reason enough to praise his name.
This is not a sleeping center; it is a place of praise. You are here to lift up the name of Jesus Christ. This is not a fashion show. I did not come to look at you. I came to look to the hills from whence cometh my help. As I look around to my left and to my right, I see someone that God has delivered from car wrecks, from accidents, from your house burning down. I know I have a reason to praise his name, I have three children, a beautiful wife, a church to preach to and people that love me. These are reasons to praise his name. When friends walked from you and Mama just did not understand, God stepped in. You ought to praise him because you have a reason to praise his name. At New Hope praise ought to continuously come out of your mouth.
Everyday praise him, in your kitchen, on your job, on your way to school. Instead of cursing, let a praise come out of your mouth. When you praise him, watch Satan run from you. If God has been good to you, you ought to thank him. Give God praise. I don�t care what your situation is, if you are broke, if you are going through life and you are depressed. Watch praises open doors for you.
Let everything, let everybody give Him a praise.
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