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November 21 Sermon: Worry or Pray � It Is Your Choice

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November 21 Sermon: Worry or Pray � It Is Your Choice

Posted on Sun, Nov 21, 2004

November 21 Sermon:  Worry or Pray � It Is Your Choice
Scripture:  Philippians 4: 6-10
Sermon delivered by Pastor Williams
 New Hope, why are you still worrying this morning?  God is still on the throne!  We are living in a time when we have a reason to worry: the cost of living keeps going up and your pay check is remaining the same; you look around at companies laying off and shutting down, drug dealers on this corner and that corner trying to show our children the glamour in a life of crime; drive down the road and someone throw you a sign with their hand.  We all have something to worry about but we still have a choice to worry or pray.  Some of us are worrying about things we don�t even need to be.  Stop worrying about me being tore up when you are tore up from the floor up.  Some of us need to stop worrying about stuff that's not our business. 
 Paul said to be careful for nothing.  What he�s saying is don�t sweat it.  He�s in jail worrying about if the church is going to go on.  We stay up late at night worrying about our children, about how we�re going to pay our bills.  Now he didn�t say �don�t care� just don�t worry.  Some people just don�t care, they aren�t going to pray for you.  Don�t let the cares carry you so far that you forget about God.  Don�t sweat it, don�t panic.  God is still in control.
 I know when you reach into your pocket you only have a nickel.  Stand steadfast, don�t panic when you�re broke, you�re worried about your job, you�re worried about your children.  Every once in a while you have to show Satan that you�re going to stand there and not be moved.
 I�m a big football fan, one of my favorite coaches was Tom Landry.  He always stood on the sidelines very calm.  It could be fourth down with the ball on the 10-yard line, but he�d just stand there all calm.  That�s the way we need to be because Coach Jesus is standing on the sidelines.
 Worrying doesn�t bring about anything positive.  You need to learn how to pray.  Pray said everything by prayer and supplication, let you requests be known unto the Lord.  Learn how to fall down on your knees and ask the Lord to satisfy your needs.  Leave it in the hands of the Lord.
 There comes a time when you need to take all your worries and cares to the Lord.  Don�t lose any sleep, lay in your bed and trust in the Lord.  When you pray, watch the power of the Lord turn you around, watch the power of the Lord fix your situation.
 Worry or pray � it�s your choice.  Be careful about nothing but in all things pray.  Don�t forget to thank Him for the food on your table, the clothes on your back, for being your way out of no way.
   Discussion: November 21 Sermon: Worry or Pray � It Is Your Choice

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