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October 2, 2005 Sermon: Where Are The Nine
Posted on Sun, Oct 2, 2005
October 2, 2005 Sermon: Where Are The Nine?
Scripture: Luke 17: 11-19
Sermon delivered by Pastor Fred Williams
There was only one leper that turned around to thank Jesus for healing them of their leprosy. Remember in the Garden of Eden that God called out to Adam �where art thou� even though He already knew the answer.
This nine represent those of us that sit in church that can�t even wave your hand or stomp your feet, those that ride around in your big car with your head as swollen as a watermelon and think you are all that and a bag of chips. But I�m glad I�m one of the one!
We live in a world that doesn�t appreciate anything. Full of ingratitude. The 0people that�s been through the Hurricane and those that live in Wynne Community � I know you are worried about your bills, you are wondering what conditions your homes are in, but don�t lose sight of what God has done. Thank Him. Don�t travel down the road of ingratitude and forgetfulness. Don�t be like the 9 � they had leprosy, they stank. When you had leprosy, you had to announce it as you went down the street, you couldn�t walk on the same side of the street as the other people, you couldn�t go home to celebrate Thanksgiving with your families. Many of you forgot it was mercy that brought you out. Don�t forget about the mercy of the Lord. You haven�t been saved all of your life.
We ought to thank God for his mercy. Let me tell you the difference between Grace and Mercy.
Grace is giving you a gift you don�t deserve.
Mercy is holding back what you do deserve. You stole from your job; you
cussed her out last night.
Don�t be part of the 9 � be grateful of what God has done for you. You might not be in your own houses right now, but at least you have a roof over your head. You are not able to go into your own kitchen to fix your own food but at least you have people feed you every day. I can�t speak for you but I know when I didn�t have a dime. I know that there was Jesus.
Fall down on your knees and say thank you. I know you don�t have what you want to have but thank God for what you do have.
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